About Sarah01. Strategic
Sarah is always planning and reviewing – with a laser focus on her goals.
02. Professional
Sarah has built her businesses on Values. these include, Integrity, Give Care, Have Fun, Engage Learning, Inspire Creativity and Eanure Quality. And Sarah lives by these values every single day.
03. Loyal
Loyalty is so important especially in this day and age. We all want to be looked after and made to feel special. Sarah is incredibly loyal remaining truly loyal to companies and people/friends over the years.
The Official Bio
Sarah Cressall is Founder and CEO of The Creation Station a number one bestselling author, speaker, multi-award-winning entrepreneur. Sarah’s purpose is to inspire imagination, nurture creativity and unleash potential.
After running her own designer maker business, and being Head of Art and Photography, Sarah established The Creation Station in 2002 to bring creativity into all areas of learning, leisure and life. Over a million children and adults have been inspired by multi-award-winning creative classes, parties, events and products. Experiences are delivered across the UK by a professional and friendly trained team of over 100 franchise owners.
Sarah’s book ‘Creative Sparks – Mishaps, hurdles and ideas to inspire you and yours’ shot to number one on Amazon
Sarah has gained a wealth of awards including:
- Winner Most Supportive Franchise and Top Franchise Award – Working Mums
- Winner Sylvia Anderson award for Creativity
- Winner Best Franchise Award for Children’s Services
- Winner Best Franchise Website
- Winner Excellence and Innovation – Childrens Education Services
- Top Three Out Of 5000 For Richard Branson’s Impact Award
- Winner Best Creative Play Award
- Winner Entrepreneur of the Year
- Winner ‘Best Interactive Business’ Award
- Winner Best Woman Franchisor UK – EWIF Awards
- Winner Best Franchisee Marketing Support
- Winner ‘Best Interactive Business’ Award
- Business Woman of the Year
Sarah’s Version
I’m fortunate to have found something I’m passionate about. A creative approach in my life has helped me as a child growing up in Liverpool.
As a young adult when I tried and failed to fit in, as a mum when I tried and failed to fit in and as an entrepreneur. My middle son Ollie wrote on his wall- why worry about fitting in when you where born to stand out. I think he was quite surprised, rather than telling him off I said ‘Wow, I’ve never looked at it like that before – thank you”.
I’ve been very fortunate to marry my very supportive and talented husband Duncan, and to have three great kids who teach me stuff every day. Plus, I’ve a great family foundation, fab friends and colleagues who I’m proud to call friends too.
I love writing and reporting and always have something to say!

Best Selling Author
Creative Sparks
Mishaps, hurdles, and ideas to inspire you and yours
Creative Sparks gives you a wealth of true-life stories, tips and ideas help you discover the power to think, engage, create and inspire, whilst having fun. Some of the questions that this book will help you think about, include the following: In times that are full of pressure, demands and challenges, how can we equip our children to cope in our ever-changing world? What influence does your own life and values have on you and your child?
Available now on Amazon click here
Sarah Cressall
CEO The Creation Station
Get In Touch
Sarah Cressall
+44 1395 239 700